Religion and Gods

There are dozens of churches and monastic orders.  Monks, paladins, and clerics worship all sorts of deities, such as Lumen, Nox, the Ten-Eyed Trickster, and Qorag. It is believed that there are many more gods that were forgotten following The Loss.

Gods are generally fairly removed from the actions of mortals, and although they are often personified, some scholars believe that it is better to think of them as “forces” or “domains” rather than as discrete beings.  Some clergy and lay folk are able to channel them for arcane purposes, but beyond that, the gods are not known to have direct interactions with the world.

Congress Monastery

Congress Monastery is the largest religious organization in the world and is located adjacent to The Circle, just north of Circ. Its primary goal is discovering forgotten or lost gods and distributing clergy to ensure they are all properly worshipped.

The Monastery was founded by St. Simone, and the current head is Father Pard. As the name would imply, it is run democratically.

The symbol of the Monastery is a large diamond shape built from smaller colored diamonds, with some of the smaller shapes left void.

The Church of Lumen (and Nox)

Lumen is a god of light and Nox is a god of darkness. This dichotomy leads some (including even worshippers of the deities) to believe Lumen is good and Nox is evil, but clergical scholars are quick to dismiss this conclusion. They point out that when Lumen’s last High Priest retired, he became Nox’s new High Priest. In fact, the pattern of Knight of Lumen to High Priest of Lumen to High Priest of Nox has repeated for almost the entire history of the church. (It should be noted that The Church of Lumen is purportedly a meritocracy, but since its founding, almost every single High Priest of Lumen and Nox has been from a single family line. This is reported to have caused friction during past tenures.)

Unlike most religions which have only one or two members of clergy, a similar number of shrines, and/or a handful of holidays celebrated by layfolk who are otherwise not active practitioners, the Church of Lumen has low-level members of Clergy known as “Lumeneers”. For most of the Church’s history, Lumeneers have served primarily as equestrian journeymen, travelling from town to town, “shining Light on all they meet.” Their primary gifts to the communities they visit are slow but reliable postal work and minor acts of healing.

In recent years, Lumeneers have been tasked with more and more combat-focused work, a trend firmly set following the rise of The Wall Climbers.

Derma Lodge

Derma Lodge is one of the oldest and most venerated institutions in Mt. Renna. In addition to being a temple to the god of untimely death Qorag, it is a combination cemetary / museum, honoring the most respected citizens of the city.

Indigo Abbey

[Under construction. Tune in to SCQ’s next quest to learn more!]


Adventurers, Mercenaries, and Investigators

