Adventurers, Mercenaries, and Investigators

Pre-Loss ruins are scattered throughout the lands, catching the attention of both relic hunters and scholarly explorers. Other would-be adventurers may take up arms as mercenaries, because although the world is mostly peaceful, bandits and pirates are not unheard of.

If a small town or church is dealing with an arcane threat (or simply needs an unbiased arbiter to settle some issue), then they may contact Congress Monastery. Congress Monastery will send their own clergy or private contractors to deal with such issues.  Examples of such private contractors include Billy “Blue” Tibbs and the detective company Mysteriously, LLC, but regardless of whether the Monastery sends one of their own or sends a contractor, the investigators will usually include a Whistler. Congress Monastery’s investigators can be identified by a small leather tome branded with their diamond emblem on the front and with a map on the back.


The Salten Sea


Religion and Gods