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“I love the one on one concept of the show. Very intimate, and adds to the richness of Ty’s world. Give it a try!”

—Derrick, host of How Not to DM

“[…] if only i could have players this good in my dnd games”

— Eff bff see eff gzegvsgcft (Apple Podcasts)

“First off, this idea is genius! The DM, usually Ty, goes on small side quests with each character and they all intertwine in some way so you are reward for listening to multiple arcs. It’s a fun filled adventure with mystery and lots of laughs in between.

It’s just soooo good!! I started with Blues arc then skipped around and started at the beginning and most recent arcs. You can either be a chaotic monster like me or be civil and start from the beginning. It’s a true choose your own adventure and I love it!

I listen to other RPG podcasts like The Adventure Zone, Myth Takes, and Tiny Heist.”

— PinkLuvingGirl (Apple Podcasts)

“My top 3 D&D Podcasts:
Critical Role
The Adventure Zone
Side Character Quest

Ty is phenomenal as a host and DM.  The stories are always original; a perfect blend of stand-alone and over-arching that means you can start anywhere, but listening to everything has huge benefits too.  Guests are all A+ and the energy is comfortable and fun. It's like playing D&D with your friends, just the way D&D should be!  Makes me want to play too!  Imaginative, unique, exciting, and engaging.  Give this show one arc and you'll see exactly what I mean.”

— TheMeader (Apple Podcasts)