Mt. Renna and the Northern Range

Mt. Renna is the name of both a mountain and of one of the two oldest cities in the world.  Unlike the slightly younger but slightly larger city Circ, Mt. Renna is fairly isolated and homogenous.

Although almost all of the Northern Range contends with cold and snow, the highest peaks near Mt. Renna are particularly inhospitable, wreathed in lightning and a seemingly eternal blizzard. The valleys between the mountains are sometimes more temperate.

Following the death of Peak Gull, her grandson Fish took over as Peak of Mt. Renna. Prior to Fish’s tenure, Peaks were known to have great influence on the political and religious happenings in the city.

Notable features of Mount Renna include its fortress-like walls, Derma Lodge (run by Cleric Derrim), its city center (home to a tree of cast iron and stained glass), the mountain forges, and the cast iron flourishes used throughout its architecture.

The Lighthouse

Not far from Mt. Renna is the Lighthouse, a beacon designed to guide hikers throughout the Northern Range. It is run by Professor Tucker with the assistance of his familiar, Jair.


The Pines


“Circ”: The City by the Circle