Communication and Teleportation Magic


Although many arcanists consider sending messages using copper foci to be a basic skill, it is also one that is frequently abandoned. Communication magic has extreme limitations that the most skilled arithmancers of Mt. Renna believe to be insurmountable.

Sending Stone

The one exception to the limitations on Communication magic is the Sending Stones. These pre-Loss relics are capable of instantly sending messages across vast distances. Scholars have long believed that prior to the Loss, they may have had other purposes. Some have also written that there may be more Sending Stones besides the two in Circ and Mt. Renna, a theory recently proven true.


Some scholars believe Teleportation magic has the same limitations as Communication magic, but others argue that there is no true Teleportation magic. Instead, they argue, in the rare instance that an arcanist is able to “teleport” an object, they are really just “making it into jelly or something and then moving it really, really fast.”


The Wall

